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One of my favourite memories from my childhood is of my dad reading to me every night. We had a collection of books, and out of them I would always choose one called, Serendipity. Its about a small, pink sea creature who discovers that she has important work to do as a guardian of the sea. Lately I have been feeling like that pink, big-eyed creature; trying my best to figure out my way in life, getting frazzled and frustrated at almost every turn, but determined to make my way through. Every time I think I have figured 'life' out, I find myself in a situation where I am forced to recalibrate and start again.

Recently I have found myself in such a space once more. But this time it is different. I am realising that even though I feel like I have been redirected at every corner - obliged to change my plan of action every time - I have found myself in a place where I know I am meant to be. I would have had no idea how to get here, how to prepare for a journey such as this. or the timing of such a season, and yet I am here now. I am finding myself in my very own serendipity.

"the effect by which one accidentally stumbles upon something truly wonderful,

especially while looking for something entirely unrelated."

As Douglas Adams so wonderfully put it; I may not have gone where I intended to go,

but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.

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